See Outside and Sit Outside

Me at a sit spot

See outside, go outside, wander out and about.

That has been a motto in print since at least 160 years ago in The Atlantic with words typed by

Henry David Thoreau.


Yet, for years, many of us have increased our time inside.

It has happened as our jobs have changed and as technology has changed how we communicate.

Yet, for some, the Covid pandemic has been the impetus to get outdoors.

Whether on shore, land or sea, there’s a patch you can use as a sit spot.

Be it a front stoop and an alley-oop,

Hide-n-seek, you can find it.

Since hearing about sit spots during Forest School Teacher Institute training with Dr. Jean Lomino and Mr. Joe Pounds, FSTI ( , I’ve been more observant about these places.


Two to three years ago, I would never have imagined being a participant in such courses. Nor, would I have envisioned and then executed the creation of a small, walkable labyrinth on my front lawn.

While creating this labyrinth, I didn’t polish my nails and didn’t dazzle my hair. That felt quite right.

What I did do was touch soil, dig, move rocks, twigs and feel the grass. I got sweaty and dirty and you know what? It felt good.

That spot is where I can stand or sit. I can see it from a far or close up. From morning to night, it has a different vibe; I probably do, too.

To quote Arthur C. Brooks, “The remaining weeks of summer are a perfect opportunity to turn things around and get a fresh start in the fresh air.” To Get Out of Your Head, Get Out of Your House - The Atlantic


It is officially summer until the Summer Equinox of 2022.

You still have time. Find the time, carve out the time, make the time to find your sit spot.

Draw it, photograph it, doodle it-it’s your spot to sit in and to share, if you choose to do so.


Hope springs eternal at Hope4Education.

Until next time,



Through which Lens…


Shadow Play